Sunday 29 November 2009

The story which has no name. Part 1 - How destiny urged their love.

Black & Red. Reason and Serene

I shall tell you a little story my friend, and this one has no name. You’ll find out that it has one ending though…This end represents the beginning of everything. Once upon a time there was a boy that wore black, and a girl that wore red.They loved each other very much, perpetually writing letters or just brief notes in which they enunciated the tremendous love that has been bestowed upon both of them. At the end of every letter they would carefully sign themselves as Red or Black. He represented the black rose who repeatedly fought to gain the benevolence of the pure rose; what he thought as to be perfect - unknown or in defined terms serene. His life had been a terrible line of misfortunes, later drenched in her sweet and kind love, superior to all he had desired or yearned for, it was she, the perfect shape of the unexpected, he had finally found her. Her existence had been blessed from the moment she had become his passion, his reason, his muse... She wanted nothing more than to bring him felicity in every possible way, she had lived for him, imagined surpassing the cliché of what he had been thinking hapiness might be. After a couple of years they have confessed in “ mere “ words what they have deeply felt from the very first moment they have layed eyes on one another.

- I am still thinking of a good picture that would suit this. -

Thursday 19 November 2009

Fericire masurata

O chestie Infinita numita Fericire...Da de unde.

Am tot stat cu coatele in barbia sprijinita fara jena pe ele meditand si nu era o meditatie obisnuita. Ma gandeam cat de aiurea mi se pare un lucru intr-un anumit moment sau cat de extraordinar pot gasi acelasi lucru cateva clipe mai tarziu. Ce ironic. Si m-am daca tot eram intr-o dispozitie proasta sa insir. A iesit o chestie alambicata, dar ideea e ca m-a amuzat. E pacat sa uitam de ele, pentru ca aceste momente au fost centrul daca nu furnalul fericirii noastre dealungul vietii. Cine ar putea trai fara dulciuri, Craciun, muzica, filme, poze, iubire, iarna, zapada, vara, munte...E un dulce balant sustinut de suferinta trecatoare ce te indeamna la ceva mai mult, evoluezi fara sa realizezi doar incercand sa o eviti. Acest dulce balant, inseamna poti neglija o lege a universului fara sa le afectezi pe toate....
Fericirea este : Un zambet, o zi de iarna linistita cand parintii au timp de sanie si de amintiri, primul cuvant al unui bebelus, clapele unui pian, haine pufoase, cozonac, ciocolata calda, acadele, haribo, guma, bomboane, esarfa, chitara, fular, pistrui, par, portocale de Craciun , emotii puternice exprimate prin lacrimi, zapada, lumanari, primul sarut, o melodie cantata de un om ce nu stie a canta, un desen pe care nu-l intelege nimeni...pagini dintr-o carte din copilarie, somnul langa persoana draga, o imbratisare fugara, o privire, lumina, zorii zilei, ziua ta de nastere, fotografii la mare, desene animate, filme alb negru, lumini de craciun, brad impodobit de tine, o noapte de dragoste, sentimente profunde, vin fiert cu scortisoara, jocuri de copii, poza in buzunarul unui indragostit, un tren, o gara uitata ce sta drept muza atator scriitori, fructe, muzica jazz, sucul de mere, ciocolata neagra, parfum, stranuturi soade, reactii controversate si copilaresti, culoare, mov foarte mov, rock, tricou cu Metallica, tricou cu Hammerfall, tricou cu Metallica( altul ), un copil ce-ti scoate limba pe geam si rade, varsta de 18 ani, sansa de a-i oferii copilului tau numele pe care tu ti l-ai dorit mereu, piese de teatru, muzica simfonica, sambete la un concert rock, banca din parc pe care nu o vei uita niciodata, rochia pe care o purtai cand s-a indragostit de tine, zambetul lui, ochii lui, parul lui, tot ce tine de voi si va defineste, dictionare, scoala, amintiri din liceu, profesorii pe care nu ai sa-i uiti niciodata, prima zi de scoala, facultate, coditele pe care nu le mai porti in liceu, viata intreaga cu acelasi om, a muri impreuna cu persoana iubita la batranete, a-ti privii nepotii, bunicii, patul lor cu arcuri neconfortabile, somnul de pranz, abecedarul, prima nota mica la matematica, discutii aprinse, fiecare Craciun pe care-l marchezi in viata ta, idei, sentimente puternice, jocuri, rasul a mii de oameni diferiti, universul, amplitudinea si complixitatea persoanelor, speranta unui viitor, maine, sosete, pantofi rupti pe care nu ii arunci, baie cu spuma, marea, muntele, visul primului indragostit, postare, poze alb negru, pick up, plimbari, excursii, o biblioteca, diferentele dintre zile si starile simtite, primavara, natura, arta, baletul, patinaj, Poeziile lui Nichita Stanescu, universul lui Haruki Murakami, Shakespeare, istoria, tablourile, prietenii pe care continui sa-i cauti, mancare, apa de la robinet, prima mancare pe care incerci sa o prepari, limonada, placerea momentului, increderea in iubire, a te indragostii, caracterele oamenilor, sunetele stomacului infometat, sughit, cercei, maini, casatorie, cadouri, verighete, misterul zilei de maine, liberul arbitru, destinul ce sta in mainile fiecaruia, ganduri inabusite, gheata de pe geamurile masinii, un geam aburit, filme, instrumente, ritmuri, orele in care te straduiesti sa intelegi o teorema- un criteriu, bratele largi cuprinzand cerul, ingeresai in zapada, o problema, telefoanele care-ti fura respiratia, mesajele pe care nu le visai niciodata, soare, luna, toamna, zilele calduroase de vara care iti inchina cele mai minunate idei....Totul cand privesti pe geam. Suntem o parte din univers, universul inseamna infinit...Suntem infiniti in fericire.

Sunday 1 November 2009

P.S I love you

Holly Kennedy: Dear Gerry, you said you wanted me to fall in love again, and maybe one day I will. But there are all kinds of love out there. This is my one and only life, And its a great and terrible and short and endless thing, and none of us come out of it alive. I don't have a plan... except, it's time my mom laughed again. She has never seen the world... she has never seen Ireland. So, I'm taking her back where we started... Maybe now she'll understand. I don't know how you did it, but you brought me back from the dead. I'll write to you again soon. P.S... Guess what?

Gerry Kennedy: Dear Holly, I don't have much time. I don't mean literally, I mean you're out buying ice cream and you'll be home soon. But I have a feeling this is the last letter, because there is only one thing left to tell you. It isn't to go down memory lane or make you buy a lamp, you can take care of yourself without any help from me. It's to tell you how much you move me, how you changed me. You made me a man, by loving me Holly. And for that, I am eternally grateful... literally. If you can promise me anything, promise me that whenever you're sad, or unsure, or you lose complete faith, that you'll try to see yourself through my eyes. Thank you for the honor of being my wife. I'm a man with no regrets. How lucky am I. You made my life, Holly. But I'm just one chapter in yours. There'll be more. I promise. So here it comes, the big one. Don't be afraid to fall in love again. Watch out for that signal, when life as you know it ends. P.S. I will always love you

Gerry Kennedy: [calms Holly] Every morning I still wake up and the first thing I want to do is to see your face.

Holly Kennedy: All I know is, if you don't figure out this something, you'll just stay ordinary, and it doesn't matter if its a work of art or a taco, or a pair of socks! Just create something... new, and there it is, and its you, out in the world, out side of you and you can look at it, or hear it, or read it, or feel it... and you know a little more about... you. A little bit more than anyone else does... Does that make any sense at all?
Gerry Kennedy: Yeah... you're saying you want to paint socks.
Holly Kennedy: [ecstatic] Maybe!