Tuesday 16 September 2008


E atat de palpitant sa vezi cum ajungi din nou la aceeleasi concluzii. Over and over again that is...? Never something new, never better. Da, stau in fata monitorului de ceva timp si plang, sunt o mincinoasa incredibila, dar nu ma simt vinovata, caci toti suntem....Spunem ca iubim cand de fapt nu o facem, nu? Ma intreb daca durerea care se vede e atat de puternica pe cat este de fapt, pentru ca eu scriu mai departe in timp ce lacrimi cad necontenit pe tastura...Induiosator...aud doar niste versuri, ma hranesc, ma starnesc, imi daruiesc acel cadou, acel sentiment ca nimeni nu merita incredere, ca odata cu increderea pe care o dau vine si durerea...nimeni nu v-a fi perfect pentru mine, nimeni nu ma va iubi asa cum imi doresc eu.

Sometimes I wonder
You're so close but you're so far
Seems life will never be the same
Sigh for the morning
To find the light of day
Dream of fortune fades away

Here I stand
Call on you again
But my heart is filled with fear
Like an eternal flame
Our love will remain
As we sail the lake of tears

E imposibil...Ar fi prea frumos. Si sunt ametita, si plang si demna de mila si mi-e sila de mine pentru ca sunt o persoana foarte slaba, ce se lasa invinsa de orice, orice...Pune prea mult suflet, se daruieste, vrea perfectiune ca apoi sa cada in neperfectiune cand nu primeste destul, sau ce vrea. Cat de jalnic, cat de jalnic...Dar trece, nu ne vom mai cunoaste si trecem peste, tu te indragostesti de altcineva si eu incep iar sa urasc sentimentul de iubire, nu? Asa suntem noi....unii merg mai departe altii se implanta in pamant, urand trecatorii, astia suntem noi...Urasc tot ce tine de iubire pentru ca e prea puternic si pentru ca nu pot intelege...pentru ca ma face sa sufar si sa ma intreb cate din cuvintele celuilalt sunt adevarate, cate...? Nimic.
Dar e incredibil cum iubim din nou, cu tot sufletul nostru, cu tot ce avem, facand sacrificii, omorandu-ne gandurile, daruindu-ne, flamanzind, imbatranind si murind....noi.
Te iubesc sau nu...? Mor dupa tine sau mi se pare? Caci ma sufoc de fiecare data cand nu te am destul, mor incet si ma blestem ca te iubesc...ce ciudat nu? Dar tu m-ai facut asa, tu cu iubirea ta, cu caldura si sentimentele tale incredibile, caci esti incredibil, esti asa cum vreau, dar uneori uiti ca sunt, te gandesti ca voi fi acolo orice ar fi si sunt, doar...vreau sa ai senzatia ca ma poti pierde oricand, ca sunt fragila, ca ma poti pierde asa cum eu stiu oricand ca te pot pierde, pentru ca sunt egoista, flamanda...iarta-ma. Dar cere-ti si tu iertare, nu sunt asa degeaba, tu m-ai facut asa, dar te iubesc. Esti acolo, esti cald, esti, esti....uneori.
Sunt atat de egoista, devorez persoana fara sa dau cuiva, cand iubesc, iubesc incredibil de mult, poate prea mult, sunt dificila, foarte...stii in ce te-ai bagat? Sper...Sper ca acum sa nu regreti ca ma iubesti, sau cel putin ca m-ai iubit.Ce bine ca e ecran si nu caiet, n-ai fi putut citi, am plans prea mult si cuvintele si-au pierdut din culoare. Si te iubesc, jur, n-am mai iubit asa, nu stiu ce fel de iubire e, dar te iubesc, fara tine sunt nimic, ma plictisesc, plang, sunt goala si neajutorata, cu tine sunt vesela si implinita...Si acum plang cand spun asta. Sunt atat de egoista...Dar chiar te iubesc si daca te temi de asta nu merita, eu sunt aici...Dar daca sunt ranita incep sa iubesc mai putin, pentru ca nu vreau sa sufar pentru cineva, mi-e frica sa ma deschid si sa sufar ca sa devin mai buna...Si stiu doar ca te iubesc...dar trebuie sa stii ca uneori am impresia ca nu ma iubesti deloc...imi pare rau. De cate ori am zis ca te iubesc...?

Sa nu razi...

Eu vreau.

Eu vreau.

Te vreau pe tine, te vreau in noapte.
Nu te vreau iluzie, te vreau cald, al meu, cu mine, in mine…
Iti vreau buzele calde sorbandu-mi lacrimile,…
Vreau vorbele ce nu le spui niciodata, vreau fericire.
Vreau parul tau lung pe umerii mei atunci cand ma privesti adanc;
Vreau sa fii orb dar sa ma vezi doar pe mine.
Vreau sa ma mangai sa fiu a ta, doar un minut, sa nu stii de ea, sa n-o vrei.
Vreau sa fii actor, sa ma iubesti, vreau sa fiu indeajuns pentru tine
Dar nu sunt…
Vreau sa stii tot ce simt, sa stii ce gandesc, sa nu ma ranesti, sa nu te ranesc.
Iti vreau mainile calde pe mine, te pot avea trup, dar suflet niciodata.
Vreau cheia, sa te descui, vreau sa ma inchid cu tine, in tine…
Sa aduc de mancare pentru amandoi, sa nu intre nimeni, sa te hranesc….
Vreau sa nu existe nimic, dar tu ai exista , pentru ca tu esti totul…
Vreau sa prind lanturi de noi, sa fii in siguranta, sa nu imbatrinim niciodata, sa opunem rezistenta…
Vreau sa nu dormi niciodata, sa te imbeti de mine si sa ma sorbi treptat, iar eu sa fiu nesfarsita.
Vreau sa plece toti, sa ne invidieze, sa ne urasca, noi n-am auzi, am fi deasupra…
Vreau sa fii stapanul dragul meu, eu sa fiu muza….Vreau sa-ti fiu sangele, vreau sa fii lama…
Vreau sa ma tai cu tine cand ma doare, sa curg eu si sa ma usuc pe lama ta…
Vreau sa avem un pat mare, sa dormim milenii imbratisati, sa ne jucam ca si copiii, sa adormim la loc…
Vreau sa avem castelul nostru, sa ma daruiesc tie, acum, maine, mereu, sa nu te saturi de mine, eu…nu m-as putea satura.
Vreau sa ma saruti pe gat cand stau goala-n fata ta, sa ma doresti cu totul, sa devenim unul, sa murim asa si doar atunci.
Vreau sa fim libelule, poate m-ai vedea mai repede, ai avea timp de mine doar intr-o zi…
Vreau sa stii exact ce gandesc, sa nu mai plang, sa nu-mi fie frica de tine…
Vreau ca tot ce vreau sa fie adevarat, sa se poate implini, pot astepta oricat Vreau…sa poti astepta si tu…

Sunday 3 August 2008

Black Blood Brothers

Shijiru or Shinkirou

The secrets in my dreams tell me
About the sorrows that I’ll come across
I must yearn for mercy
Your pained appearance and my greeting
A gaze that was shut as if tired
I don’t wish for anything more than these
The sickened promise is stinking and hidden; I never knew…

A dream that I can’t recover
My memories grew dim
My pains became dull and my heart cracked
My burnt out soul is simply a cooled mountain of ash
My tears are filled with pain, ha…

So tell me… tell me… the reason why…
How can you do this to me…
You break my heart…
And you make me cry…

In the expressionless, final moonlight
Covered in muddied excuses
The warmth that embraced you
Vanished without a trace; You’ll never know…

Within the endless pain
There’s the belated regret that was left behind
And the flowers of love that disappear meaninglessly…

So tell me… tell me… the reason why…
How can you do this to me…
You break my heart…
And you make me cry…

Sunday 18 May 2008

Yann Tiersen.

Cred ca de ceva timp m-am indragostit de muzica acestui compozitor minunat, iti dezvaluie prin muzica sa, propriile tale secrete necunoscute de nimeni, nici chiar de tine. Te cufunzi in stari bizare ce te transpun totodata pe cele mai inalte culmi, visezi si simti muzica lui ca pe o bucata de ciocolata.

una dintre cele mai frumoase cantece ale sale, desi nu cred ca se poate compara cu Comptine d'un autre ete.

Sunday 4 May 2008

"Mai presus de toate", de Eric Knight.

Cum aceasta carte este una dintre cele mai bune citite, si nu prin coincidenta preferata mea, m-am gandit sa "Pay my respects". Si da, am de gand sa las cartea sa vorbeasca pentru ea, pentru ca are o voce minunata si multe de zis, enjoy...

Asta ar fi primult episod :P.( cum se cunosc cei doi protagonisti).

Wednesday 19 March 2008

Sumomomo Momomo

Sumomomo Momomo: The Strongest Bride on Earth (すもももももも~地上最強のヨメ~, Sumomo mo Momo mo ~Chijō Saikyō no Yome~?) is a Japanese manga and anime series created by Japanese author Shinobu Ohtaka. The series centers around a young girl, a strong martial artist, who wants to marry and bear a child with a boy that she believes to be a strong fighter. The title is based on a Japanese tongue twister.

The series first began as a manga serialized in the Japanese manga magazine Young Gangan in 2004, which is published by Square Enix. The series was later adapted into an anime which aired in Japan between October 5, 2006 and March 15, 2007, containing 22 episodes.


Sumomomo Momomo revolves around the life of Kōshi Inuzuka, a normal high school student who is aspiring to become a prosecutor after graduating. One day, a strange girl named Momoko Kuzuryū approaches him and informs him that they are betrothed and expected to produce a strong child together, though Kōshi does not accept it. The betrothal came about after Kōshi's father and Momoko's father both arranged the marriage between their respective kids. After Kōshi and Momoko's initial meeting, Kōshi realizes that Momoko is not just a normal, though however strange, girl, as she has been trained by her father in a special form of martial arts that only twelve such families in all of Japan are able to possess. These twelve families coincide with the twelves animals of the Chinese zodiac, where Momoko is from the family associated with dragons, while Kōshi is from the family associated with dogs. The dragon family is the head of the six families of the west, whereas the dog family is the head of the six families of the east.

Before long, it is revealed to Kōshi and Momoko that five of the six western families are out on a plot to assassinate Kōshi to prevent him from marrying Momoko, which would cement the twelve families together by bonds of blood. This assassination would be the start of a martial artist war, which would be the seventh such war of the twelve Zodiac Masters of Japan. Kōshi must now fight for his life as Momoko protects him, hoping he will return her affection.


Kōshi Inuzuka (犬塚孝士, Inuzuka Kōshi)?, (Seiyū - Hiroki Takahashi)
Kōshi is a handsome, seventeen-year-old intelligent high school student who is the son of Unken Inuzuka, a martial arts master and member of one of the twelve Zodiac Master families of Japan. He is associated with the dog of the Chinese zodiac. However, against his father's wishes, he wants nothing to do with martial arts. He has avoided training ever since being terrorized by bullies at a young age, which initially caused him to freeze every time that he sees violence. Due to this, he wants to someday become a prosecutor so that he will be able to punish crimes effectively. As such, he is constantly seen reading books on laws and codes that govern Japan. Whenever he finds himself about to get into a fight, he recites several laws that his attacker is about to break as well as the consequences, in an attempt to dissuade the attacker, which is not always effective.

It is revealed at the end of the anime that Kōshi's powers as a martial artist were sealed by his mother, who wanted to protect her only child from the hardship she and her husband had to face as martial artists. She also believed Koushi had a gentle nature which would cause him to regret getting into fights. There are clear indications that the seal has been breached during the last episode, but Kōshi never uses his powers; Momoko manages to defeat their ultimate enemy before Koushi can act. Nevertheless, that final enemy was momentarily distracted by the awakening of Kōshi's powers, which may be an indication of their capacity.

Kōshi initially wants nothing to do with Momoko or the martial arts war that he has been thrown right in the middle of. He instead focuses even more on his studies so as to keep his mind off of being targeted for assassination. Gradually, he seems to develop a greater appreciation for Momoko and manages to overcome his tendency to freeze up in the face of violence.

On the Chinese Zodiac, the dog (Kōshi Inuzuka) gets along very well with the horse (which could be Sanae Nakajima), and does not get along well at all with the dragon (which is Momoko Kuzuryu)

Momoko Kuzuryū (九頭竜もも子, Kuzuryū Momoko)?, (Seiyū - Yui Kano)
Momoko is a strange and hyperactive young girl who is also a martial artist in a special form of martial arts that only members of the twelve Zodiac Masters of Japan can learn. She is associated with the dragon of the Chinese zodiac. She wants to become Kōshi's bride in order to produce a strong son with him, as her father told her that since she is a female, she is currently unable to master her family's martial arts techniques effectively. Momoko shares a strange relationship with Kōshi which has been compared to that of a dog and its master in the series itself. Momoko is very adamant about getting married with Kōshi, and often tries to do the best she can to please him in any way. She always refers to Kōshi ending his name with the term "Dono" because she has a huge respect on him and because she loves him too much.

Whenever she executes her special attacks, Momoko has a habit of mimicking Kamen Rider henshin poses.

Main characters (from left to right): Tenka, Sanae, Kōshi, Momoko, Iroha, and Hanzō.
Main characters (from left to right): Tenka, Sanae, Kōshi, Momoko, Iroha, and Hanzō.

Iroha Miyamoto (巳屋本いろは, Miyamoto Iroha)?, (Seiyū - Ui Miyazaki)
Iroha is a young girl of fifteen and a member of the family of Zodiac Masters associated with the snake. The Miyamoto group was once a feared yakuza gang, but its power, repute and membership dwindled under Iroha's father; his kind nature did not inspire hardened criminals to remain loyal. Iroha, along with her subordinate Hanzō with whom she travels, are the first to attempt the assassination of Kōshi. Iroha wants to restore the reputation her family used to have as the most fearful of the twelve Zodiac Masters by killing Kōshi, but is hindered by Momoko. Eventually, Iroha develops a crush on Kōshi and resolves to find a new path for the Miyamoto family, after Momoko praises her for her fortitude in battle and laments that Iroha should follow the path of an assassin. Iroha has attempted to save money for the resurrection of the clan, but is often troubled by Hanzō, who spends the money selfishly and by the landlady, an old woman who manages to terrify them whenever she demands their rent.

Sanae Nakajima (中慈馬早苗, Nakajima Sanae)?, (Seiyū - Aya Hirano)
Sanae is a female high school student who is also one of Kōshi's friends. She is also his class representative. Unknown to everyone, however, she changes into a heroine known as Tenchū Senshi Uma Kamen, literally meaning "Divine Punishment Warrior Horse Mask", the identity she uses to fight as a superhero. She is apparently also the granddaughter of Iroha's and Hanzō's landlady. Both she and her grandmother are masters associated with the horse of the zodiac. As the chosen protector of the Inuzuka heir, Sanae has been given her tribe's special outfit to wear, which increases its wearer's power. Alas, the outfit closely resembles a bondage costume and is most effective when less of it is worn; when the wearer only has certain pieces of the costume equipped, their power is highly focused in the parts covered. In the Nakajima family, kicks are the central part of their combat style, so the costume is most effective for Sanae when she wears nothing but the boots. Needless to say, Sanae finds the costume embarrassing enough when wearing all of it.

Sanae harbors a tragic love for Kōshi; it is tragic since he considers her his very best friend first and because as a member of the Nakajima clan (which is subordinate to the Inuzuka clan), she is supposed to be guarding him from the shadows, not pursuing a relationship with him. Kōshi's marriage with Momoko is also something she is meant to support. Sanae's situation is even more tragic because Sanae's grandmother intends for her granddaughter to marry the kind of man most Nakajima women have fancied throughout history; a big muscleman. However, Sanae has been afraid of that kind of man since her early childhood and manages to end the engagement by defeating her fiancé in single combat.

Hanzō (半蔵, )?, (Seiyū - Chihiro Suzuki)
Hanzō is seventeen and Iroha's subordinate in the plot to kill Kōshi. Since Iroha saved his life one day, he has followed her orders closely. The two of them share a relationship like Kōshi and Momoko in that it could be likened to a dog and its master, although Iroha appreciates Hanzō from the start; he is the only member of her family's once feared yakuza legion that has remained at her side. This is because he admires her greatly and considers her example an inspiration to improve himself. It is also quite likely that he has become romantically infatuated with Iroha. Unfortunately for him, Iroha states publically that she considers him to be like a brother to her and considers the idea of a romantic relationship between them impossible.

Tenka Koganei (虎金井 天下, Koganei Tenka)?, (Seiyū - Takeshi Kusao)
Tenka is from the tiger family of the twelve Zodiac Masters and initially comes to assassinate Kōshi. As he is from the tiger family, he carries a lot of traits with his personality that are akin to that of a feline such as being aquaphobic, and liking to play with round objects. He always carries around with him a soccer ball which he nicknamed "Becky" (ベッキー, Bekkī?) which seems to talk to him. (Although bystanders have commented that he is using ventriloquism.) It is interesting to note that Bekki has spoken to Tenka since early childhood, 'her' voice maturing just as he matured. Tenka has a crush on Momoko based on a time when they met as children, when he defeated her during a training match and they agreed to meet again. Unfortunately for Tenka, while he assumed they would meet and marry once Momoko had grown stronger, she intended to meet and have a death match. Tenka later returns to warn Momoko of the fact that his relatives are coming to attack her and Kōshi and takes their side during the battle. At the end of the anime, relations between Tenka and the main cast are much more friendly than initially.

Unken Inuzuka (犬塚雲軒, Inuzuka Unken)?, (Seiyū - Tesshō Genda)
Unken is a martial arts master and the father of Kōshi. He wants his son to follow in his footsteps, but is unable to persuade him to train in the martial arts. He heads the dog family of the Zodiac Masters of Japan. He and Sendayu are both friends and rivals. An old school photo shows that, although he now has a rather odd face, he was once the spitting image of his son. This has caused Kōshi some concern for the future.

Sendayu Kuzuryū (九頭竜千太夫, Kuzuryū Sendayu)?, (Seiyū - Katsuhisa Houki)
Sendayu is a martial arts master and the father of Momoko. He told Momoko to find the strongest warrior and marry him, eventually bearing the strongest child, since Momoko cannot master her family's techniques as she is female.

Inaho Kameda (亀田稲穂, Kameda Inaho)?, (Seiyū - Kikuko Inoue)
Inaho is an anime-only character, a representative of the Kameda family, which once contested the Nakajima family for the right to be the protector of the Inuzuka family. The Kameda family is associated with turtles, which do not appear in the Chinese zodiac. In order to gain ascendance over the twelve families, Inaho studies law and gains a teacher's license in a bid to get close to Kōshi as his school teacher and marry him - despite having a dislike for law and considering becoming a teacher a lot of hard work. Like Sanae Nakajima, she has an alter ego, hers named Kame Kamen (Turtle Mask), with an equally exposing outfit which features several large pieces of armour plating, like a turtle's shell. She goes so far as to try and drive off Momoko and kidnap Kōshi after drugging him because she could not seduce him, but in the end relinquishes her efforts in the face of Sanae's dedication. She admits to having developed genuine feelings for Kōshi. Unfortunately for her, he did not reciprocate, considering a relationship between a student and teacher to be unethical.
Inaho seems to be the first of a new initiative versus Kōshi, since she is the first of several women who have sought him out to marry him and gain power over the twelve families, rather than assassinate him.

Alice Uzuki (卯月 アリス, Uzuki Arisu)?, (Seiyū - Mi~ko)
Alice is another anime-only character, and is a member of the Uzuki clan, which is associated with the rabbit of the Chinese Zodiac; she has a unique 'bunny ear' hairstyle when she dons her combat gear. While the Uzuki clan is heavily involved with assassinations and Alice is considered one of their best, she breaks off away and goes on the run, aspiring to becoming a successful musician. Eventually, Alice meets and befriends Saigō, leaving her open to blackmail from her own clan. She receives the order to either kill Kōshi or be responsible for Saigō's death. After nearly succeeding in the deed, Alice is stopped by Saigō, who tells her - through interpreter Momoko - that her hands were made to create music, not shed blood. Thanks to the other young martial artists' intervention, Alice finally manages to leave her clan behind and goes to France to study music.

Katsuyuki Saigō (西郷勝行, Saigō Katsuyuki)?, (Seiyū - Taketoshi Kawano)
Saigō is a large, muscular young man who attends the same school as Kōshi and the rest of the main cast. He has a very threatening demeanor, communicating mostly in grunts and gestures and continuously wears sunglasses. He is the admired leader of a trio of hoodlums from Kōshi's class and apparently frequently gets into fights. Appearances are deceiving, however; Saigō is quite fond of kittens, of which he has several, and apparently reads romantic stories for enjoyment. When he first meets Alice Uzuki, he defends her against a large group of assassins without any concern for his own safety. Later, he takes a hit from Alice's guitar string weapon to protect Kōshi from harm. He falls deeply in love with Alice and seeks help from Momoko and the other main cast to find a way to deepen their relationship. In the end, he allows Alice to go so she can pursue her dreams and be safe, speaking out loud for the first time to simply wish Alice "good luck", rather than demanding she stay for his sake. Saigō seems to be very friendly to the main casts, especially Kōshi, as shown at the ending credits of the last episode, the three hoodlums came with Saigō to threaten Kōshi but the three hoodlums flinched when Kōshi greeted and waved his hand at Saigō and Saigō waved back.

Wednesday 13 February 2008

The man who knew everything

Am stat ceva timp si m-am gandit, de ce am ales tocmai acest titlu? Nu prea are mare legatura cu ceea ce vreau sa scriu acum, dar fie treaca mearga. Poate ca, adica si de fapt, scriam la engleza o compunere care se numeste in acest fel...( ca sa fiu ceva mai onesta).A trecut ceva vreme de cand n-am mai scris pe blog, uneori n-am avut inspiratie, alteori eram suparata, cert e ca amalgamul de sentimente influenteaza negativ starea mea onesta de spirit. "Sentimental shit...". In final, ceea ce vrei sa scri o ia pe alta aratura, tu ajungi sa tanjesti dupa acel ceva frumos si nu mai scrii...Haha, se vede c-am uitat sa scriu. N-am timp de nimic, asta spun de fiecare data cand ajung acasa ma trantesc ca un erou din Duty Call pe pat si incep sa ma gandesc in fel si chip, stiti, planuri de genu : "De maine...", "Sau poate de poimaine...", "Cel putin de maine ma gandesc cand sa ...". Ma caracterizeaza aceste cuvinte, uneori sunt spuse din lene, alteori culmea din fericire, vrei sa scapi de acele ganduri si le tai avantul cu: " You don't have reservation yet, come again tomorrow"..."But what if tomorrow will never come?"

Friday 4 January 2008


Un cumul de emoţii exploatate inteligent - Babel

"Andreea Drogeanu"
Cultura, februarie 2007

Babel este ultimul episod al trilogiei despre moarte imaginată de regizorul Alejandro Gonzales Inarritu împreună cu scenaristul Guillermo Arriaga şi poate cel mai desăvârşit proiect realizat de acest duo valoros. Alături de Wong Kar Wai, Christopher Nolan şi Fernando Meirelles, Inarritu este una din cele mai interesante apariţii din cinematografia contemporană a ultimilor ani, din toate punctele de vedere. Are viziune, imagine de ansamblu, rafinament şi o măiestrie greu de egalat în sublinierea detaliilor.

O analiză amănunţită a filmului Babel nu poate ignora precedentele lungmetraje ale lui Inarritu - Amores perros, premiat la Cannes în 2000 şi 21 Grams, nominalizat la Oscar în 2004. Îmbucurător este faptul că Babel marchează o împlinire şi o maturizare a manierei regizorale lui Inarritu. Pelicula musteşte de vitalitate, forţă, şi deşi suntem martorii unei tragedii cu conexiuni multiple, există un echilibru fragil între extremele care ni se înfăţişează. În Babel se denunţă o prăpastie gravă şi profundă la nivelul comunicării dintre oameni, dar nu se emit judecăţi sau rechizitorii definitive. Trimiteri la efectele globalizării, la problemele emigrării, la pericolul provocat de comerţul armelor sunt incluse în scenariu, dar nu într-un mod care să dea senzaţia unui manifest apocaliptic. Ni se sugerează discret, aproape subliminal că nu suntem condamnaţi definitiv la înstrăinare, chiar dacă facem atât de des greşeli şi părem tot mai rupţi unii de ceilalţi.

Scenariul din Babel este un colaj format din patru poveşti, la prima vedere fără vreo legătură între ele, puse în scenă în colţuri opuse ale lumii, în care descoperim civilizaţii alcătuite cu totul altfel. Riscul alunecării într-o capcană a clişeelor, a discriminării pozitive sau optarea pentru o accentuare gratuită a unui mesaj politic era eminent. Babel nu are furia, vehemenţa lui Spike Lee din The 25th Hour sau cea tipică filmelor lui Michael Moore. Cu graţie şi siguranţă, Inarritu a ocolit aceste "tentaţii" şi a împrumutat intuiţia unui fin psiholog pe care a amestecat-o cu abordarea unui antropolog competent pentru a capta lucrurile esenţiale. În felul acesta, suntem purtaţi de la o scenă cu marocani la una cu americani, iar o piruetă invizibilă ne aduce într-un sat mexican pentru ca în final să poposim printre japonezi. Fără îngroşări gratuite, dimpotrivă, totul pare extrem de real, e ca o călătorie miraculoasă ce surprinde natura umană din unghiuri complementare şi o celebrează.

Din punct de vedere vizual explozia culorilor, simţul cromatic desăvârşit al lui Inarritu, ne aminteşte de The Constant Gardener doar că atinge un nivel mult mai evoluat, aproape manierist. Felul în care razele soarelui desenează conturul corpurilor umane în praful ce pluteşte în aer, conferă o aură nunţii simple, aparent banale, lipsită de bun gust sau strălucire din Mexic. Petrecerea este impregnată de o bucurie şi o poftă de viaţă molipsitoare, extrem de emoţionantă şi are ceva din atmosfera unor producţii ce poartă semnătura lui Kusturica. Inarritu ştie să exploateze lumina şi umbrele, semitonurile, o întreagă paletă de nuanţe ca pe nişte personaje de sine stătătoare, cu intuiţia specifică unui fotograf genial. Ele reprezintă ingredientele decisive de inducere a unor stări diverse. E adevărat, acelaşi lucru l-am remarcat în Million Dollar Baby, filmul care i-a rotunjit lui Clint Eastwood colecţia de statuete Oscar şi în producţiile recente ce poartă semnătura lui Steven Soderbergh, dar e vorba doar de o tehnică comună.

Trist este că personajele reuşesc să dărâme pereţii interpuşi în calea unei comunicări fireşti, funcţionale, doar în situaţii limită, care declanşează crize extrem de puternice sau care pot fi catalogate ca fiind la limita decenţei, umilitoare chiar. Sunt imagini în Babel care ni se întipăresc în memorie cu pregnanţă-decapitarea găinii, apariţia nud a adolescentei surdo-mute Chieko, felul rece şi dispreţuitor în care Susan (Cate Blanchett) aruncă cuburile de gheaţă socotite fără preţ, masa înfulecată în grabă cu mâinile de membrii familiei marocane, momentul în care Susan îşi face nevoile ajutată de soţul ei, Richard (Brad Pitt), pe care după cîteva secunde îl sărută prelung. Sunt instantanee şocante, primare, lipsite de pudibonderie, fruste care anunţă o acumulare de frustrări sau o nevoie uriaşă de acceptare sau iubire. Se poate detecta o uşoară influenţă venită din direcţia lui Pedro Almodovar, făcând abstracţie de excentricitatea şi frivolitatea ce îl caracterizează uneori.

Puşca oferită ca dar şi glonţul tras de copii în joacă, în timp ce păzeau turma de capre, pe un deal din Maroc va răsturna destine, dar va şi vindeca răni sufleteşti. Sigur, fiecare greşeală se plăteşte. Iresponsabilitatea bonei Amalia (Adriana Barraza) va fi taxată, mai ales că ar fi putut evita de cel puţin două ori calvarul în care îi implică pe copiii de care avea grijă. Incredibilă este reacţia grupului de turişti americani - lipsa lor de solidaritate, paranoia, spiritul de turmă, indiferenţa şi egoismul lor. Pe de altă parte, oamenii simplii care îi ajută pe Richard şi Susan au o nobleţe ce contrastează puternic cu existenţa sărăcăcioasă pe care o duc. Nu vor bani pentru ajutorul dat, aşa cum poate ne-am fi aşteptat. În schimb birocraţia şi obsesia unui scenariu terorist complică şi amână nepermis de mult salvarea vieţii lui Susan de către autorităţi.

În Babel suntem bombardaţi cu emoţii veritabile, devastatoare şi toate simţurile ne sunt solicitate. Muzica este aleasă perfect, iar tăcerea are propriul ei rol în film, mai ales atunci când în centrul atenţiei este adolescenta surdo-mută Chieko, înghesuită într-o discotecă. Durerea şi disperarea tinerei din Japonia se îngemănează într-un fel cu intensitatea dramei trăită de Penelope Cruz în Non ti muovere, deşi situaţiile nu au nimic în comun. Furia adunată în Susan dispare la sfârşit şi bănuim că pentru ea această aventură echivalează cu un nou început şi o rezolvare a crizei conjugale.

Împrumutând un format utilizat în Magnolia, Memento sau Crash şi în Babel avem o suprapunere temporală şi un lanţ complicat al întâmplărilor provocate de un gest anume. Nimic nu s-ar fi întâmplat fără această puşcă. Desfăşurarea acţiunii poate să pară lentă pentru un ochi care nu are obişnuinţa vizionării unui film clasic sau tipic european, dar o doză de mister este păstrată până la final.

Scena discuţiei la telefon dintre Richard şi copiii lui de la începutul filmului se repetă la sfârşit din perspectiva lui, cu un impact puternic asupra privitorului. Felul în care Brad Pitt l-a portretizat pe Richard este, cu siguranţă, una din cele mai reuşite interpretări a actorului, alături de cea din Snatch sau Fight Club. Mergând pe aceeaşi linie, prestaţiile convingătoare oferite de Cate Blanchett, Gabriel Garcia Bernal sau Adriana Barraza nu sunt cu nimic mai prejos şi susţin un film complet din toate punctele de vedere.